Thursday, 17 November 2011

If only...

If only I had one of those, I would take hundreds photos a day and then put them all on my wall like this:

A camera is a definite number one on my Christmas Wish List (do you hear me Mr. Boyfriend?)
What ´s on yours?

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

The cutest things

Bows are the cutest, the sweetest, the girliest things. Ever. You can't go wrong with a bow. And they go with everything. And no one, ever, will convince me otherwise. Why I never wore them? From now on I'll have them on every single day!

We have bow rings, necklaces and earrings in the shop for sale from Monday! 
PS. The photos are not mine (I'm still without a camera!). I've been collecting photos from the internet for ages and I don't know where I found them.. If I post something that belongs to you let me know and I'll put your credits.
PS2. Although I don't have a camera I will keep on blogging so stay tuned! 


Saturday, 12 November 2011

A quick hello!

I'm busy in the shop re-organising, making some Christmas stuff and painting the changing room. And I'm having a really good time doing it! I still haven't got a camera so I can't share any pictures with you... Sorry!

Just wanted to say hello

Thursday, 3 November 2011

In the shop

I've just realised it's been two weeks since I'd posted anything on the blog. I'm pretty busy in the shop - working on the changing room (managed to pre-paint three walls so far...), ordering, choosing products, ordering... And I love it!
We've been opened for a month now and I feel like celebrating this little anniversary. Wine, cupcakes, friends. Sounds good, don't you think?

I don't think I shared that with you - my little shop on Isak web. We're the only ones in Slovakia to sell those beautiful, happy things made by Sandra Isaksson. And we are really proud of it too!

I know I've already shared the picture...Now you see how desperately I need to buy a camera!

Monday, 17 October 2011

Víťazom je...

Šperkovnicu si môžeš vyzdvihnúť v obchode.  

Sunday, 16 October 2011

A trip to Cracov

Went for a one day trip to Cracov few days ago. I used to live there and I love going back there for a visit. 
The last picture is from my favorite little café, Café Zakatek. 

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Autumn walk

Autumn is so beautiful... How can you not like it? 

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

House Doctor giveaway

Leave a comment below to win one of those pretty jewellery boxes from House Doctor. I'll draw a winner on Monday.
Good luck!

PS. If you have any troubles with commenting the post please let me know on Facebook or mail me on

Don´t forget to write your name!

Ak okomentujete tento príspevok, môžete vyhrať jednu z krásnych šperkovníc od House Doctor.  Víťaza vyžrebujeme v pondelok.
Veľa šťastia!

PS. Ak budete mať nejaké problémy s komentovaním, prosím kontaktujte ma na Facebook-u alebo mi pošlite mail na

Nezabudnite napísať svoje meno! 

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Coffee and walnut cupcakes

The best cupcakes ever! Well, the best recipe I've tried so far anyway. Although I realise that the picture does not sell it too well.. Had few mishaps when making them last night (set too low temperature and the cakes melted, saved only 3 of them and the rest became one big mess...). They were delicious anyway! Making more tonight as Mr Boyfriend simply looooves them :)

You will need:
175g flour
175g butter at room temperature
175g caster sugar
3 large eggs
1 tsp baking powder
45ml espresso coffee (or freshly brewed, strong coffee)
50g walnuts (or pretty much as many or as little as you want)

For the syrup
30 ml hot espresso coffee
50g light muscovado sugar

For the topping
150g butter
200g icing sugar
3 tsp instant coffee 

Preheat the oven to 180C. Mix together flour, butter, sugar, baking powder and eggs until smooth. Add coffee and chopped walnuts.
Spoon the mixture into 12 paper cake cases and bake for about 15 min (the tops should spring back when pressed with a finger).
While the cakes are baking, stir together coffee and sugar. You should get thick syrup.
As soon as the cakes are out of the oven, pierce them in several places and drizzle over the syrup, leave to cool.
To make the topping, cream the butter with sugar and coffee for about 3 min. Put the mixture into the piping bag and pipe it on to the cakes. As I don't have a pipng bag I used an ordinary plastic bag and cut off the corner. You could also spread the buttercream on with a knife.


PS. I'll try to translate the recipe to Slovak tonight (need to ask my sweet assistant for help)


As promised here we come in Slovak :)

Budete potrebovať: 
175g polohrubej múky
175g krupicového cukru
175g masla v izbovej teplote
3 veľké vajcia
1 lyžička kypriaceho prášku
45ml espresso kávy (čerstvo uvarená)
50g orechov

30ml espresso kávy
50g hnedého cukru

Na ozdobenie:
200g práškového cukru
150g masla
3 lyžičky instantnej kávy

Predhrejeme rúru na 180 C.
Vymiešame do hladka múku, cukor, maslo, vajíčka a prášok do pečiva. Pridáme studenú kávu a nasekané orechy. 
Lyžičkou naberáme masu do 12 formičiek a pečieme 15 minút. Sú hotové keď ich zmačknete a oni sa vrátia naspäť.
Kým sú v rúre, urobíme si sirup. Do horúcej kávy pridáme cukor a vymiešame.
Keď ich dáme z rúry von, urobíme do nich dierky a polejeme ich sirupom. Necháme vychladnúť.
Na ozdobu vymiešame práškový cukor, maslo a kávu.
Keď cup cakes vychladnú, ozdobíme ich krémom.

Dobrú chuť!

Monday, 10 October 2011

Beautiful memories

I was sorting out my computer and I found those pictures from our trips to Looe (a wonderful little town in the UK) and Scotland. I got all nostalgic.. I miss our trips and I miss our friends even more. And I'm thankful for all my beautiful memories.

Friday, 7 October 2011

I found this company and felt in love with their products. Thinking of ordering some for the shop. What do you think?

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

New camera needed. Badly.

I have changed my window display yesterday and wanted to take some photos of it when I realised that my camera went on a strike. All photos are blurred so badly I can´t even see what is on them :(  I need a new camera. Will have my nameday soon so you are very welcome to get me a nice camera for a present!

In that case I´ll share some pictures of Isak as we had a delivery yesterday. 

I just wanted to apologise all my Slovak readers for writing in english only but my written slovak is still really bad.. I am learning though and hopefully will improve soon :)

Have a nice day

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

The newest adventure

I´ve just realised that my last post was in January!... And to be frank I have not been here since. I´m ashamed.

But I have an excuse. Few to be precise.
  1. I left the UK and now I live with Mr Boyfriend in Slovakia.
  2. I´d gone back to work full time in order to save money so that we could move.
  3. My sister has a new family member so obviously I had to spend lot of time with them.
  4. I decided to open a shop and there was a huge amount of preparation before that.
  5. I opened a shop (together with Mr Boyfriend)
  6. I am living my dream :)
So, although I know I said it before several times, I´m back. 

I am working on a website and a internet shop, and will definitelly change the blog design. For now I´m trying to figure out how to do it though so it might take a little while.

Here are some photos of my sweet little shop. They were taken just before we opened last week so they are not perfect. Hope you like them anyway :)


Monday, 10 January 2011

10 things I like

Couldn't post it on Saturday so doing it now. Enjoy!

1. Absolutely love the look. Have to have that dress! (source)
vintage clothing Where to Find Hot Vintage Clothing & Accessories

2. Very into Indie Craft nowadays.
Indie Craft Bazaar @ Cinema Paradiso Sun July 18, 2010

3. That lamp is just really, really cool. (found here)

4. Calendars. Need to make one for this year clipboard calendar
(from here and here)

5. Found this blog recently and fell in love with it...

6. VW Camper Vans. One day will buy one!

7. Maps on walls. Simple and cool. (photo from here)
                         World Map Wall Paper

8. Folk art. Really love it. Planning to do some "folky" stuff myself. (picture from here, by the way, really nice blog too)


9. Baking. Into cupcakes right now. Somehow my cupcakes don't look that cool..

10. This sweet little purse (here).
                             Scandinavian Birds Pouch/Purse by girlbyAileen - photo

Have a great week and don't forget too come back soon!


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