Monday, 30 January 2012

New wallpaper

So I decided not to be lazy and wallpapered the shop (not all of it of course, just one wall). It was supposed to be a half-day project but Mr Boyfriend, hopefully-soon-to-be-sister-in-law and I ended up doing it for almost whole weekend... But the outcome is totally worth it! It makes such a difference! I. LOVE. IT.

The wallpaper is from Isak and you can order it in the shop (and different designs too!).

Saturday, 28 January 2012

I should be working hard...

I finally made a list of all the things that should (have to!) be done in the shop and I nearly cried... There is just SOOO much!... We've been open for over four months now and still half of the things is unfinished. Here's the list of the most important things:
  1. Finish off the changing room
  2. Sort out the stock room
  3. Do something with the spare room - the original plan needs to wait a bit longer and I need to use the space up somehow. A gallery maybe? Any ideas?
  4. Wallpaper 
  5. Lighting
So as you see I really should be working hard right now.. And somehow I can't move my lovely bum of the chair. I will start on Monday. Mondays are good days for starting. 

That's from the changing room. And this is the only thing that's finished there..

Anyway, I'm working on a new series of DIY projects for Valentine's. It's starting on Monday!

Friday, 27 January 2012

And the winner is...

MackaJan 22, 2012 05:00 AM
jej, aj ja by som si taketo prosila :) Alebo kludne aj ine, kedze v obchodniku su naozaj nadherne veci! :)

Congratulations! We will be in touch with you shortly :)

Thank you all for your very sweet comments! I have the best customers in town!!

Thursday, 26 January 2012

Late Night Project

I made the "painting" couple of nights before to brighten up my room. It really needed some splash of colours since everything in it is white (for some reason the wall looks pink on that photo! Trust me, it's not). I decided to finally finish up the room and decorate it (Mr Boyfriend and I started doing it almost half a year ago!..) - one of my (many) New Year Resolutions. 
I would prefer something brighter but for now that will do. I do apologise for the quality of the photo, that's the only one I have for the moment..

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

The sun is (was) shining and I'm feeling good

We had a little bit of sunshine today! It lasted for about 10 minutes but that was enough to put me in a happy spring mood :) So I decided to do something "springy"... Here's the story in photos:

I planted little cacti in mushroom candle holders from House Doctor (for sale in the shop). Now they are standing on the counter looking great :)

...and that's how my fingers (every single one!) looked like when I finished...

Monday, 23 January 2012

Super easy bunting DIY

I love bunting! It's so easy to make and then you can use it to decorate pretty much anything. I made several of them for my shop and it really brightens up the place. I recently made some for my soon-to-be-sister-in-law's birthday party and everyone loved it! 

What you need:
  1. Some colour paper - or any paper you like. You can use old magazine, newspaper, wrapping paper, postcards, old calendar... The possibilities are endless!
  2. Scissors
  3. Hole puncher
  4. String
  5. Pencil and ruler

So here's how to do it in three easy steps:

1.  Cut strips of paper of the same high - that's how high your triangles are going to be. 

2. Draw triangles on the strips and cut them out. Mine were 12cm wide - I marked every 12cm on top of my strip and then did the same on bottom, but the first mark was at 6cm (and then every 12cm). Then I simply joined the dots and got perfect triangles :)

3. Punch hole each triangle and put the string through the holes. Continue until you have your desired length and ta-da! You have your own bunting!

I do apologise if my instructions are not clear - I'm totally rubbish at writing tutorials... Hope you can understand it anyway. Have fun!

I'm working on few bunting projects and will share them with you soon!


Friday, 20 January 2012

Disaster Designs giveaway - CLOSED

One of my New Year's resolution is blogging regularly. Got myself a camera (stole a very old one from Mr. Boyfriend) so now there is no stopping me! I know the photos won't be of good quality but promise to do my best.

I'm starting with this giveaway - making someone happy is a good start :) To enter simply comment the post and you get a chance to win this yummy bag with matching flask and scarf. This giveaway is worth more than 50€ so don't hesitate!
Closing time is Friday (27th) 10:00am. Good Luck!!

PS. Don't forget to leave your name or email address!! 

If you have any troubles with a comment please contact me on Facebook

I heard that some of you had troubles leaving comments. Just choose "anonymous" and then write your name at the end of the message. I think that should solve the problem out :)

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