Friday, 19 April 2013

Current obsessions

Recently I am a very busy girl. Today I got up at 5:30 (yeah, ok, I realise that for some of you this is a normal time to get up but for me it still is like a middle of the night) and got to work. And I still will be working and trying to get on top of everything until late evening. It's been a long time since I felt this motivated and eager to work. I blame winter for that and those extra short days. It must have been some mad person that came up with all this time change that makes winter days so short. My body is still not used to this and I've been around for some time now. I probably should emigrate for the winter season somewhere warm (you see, I don't really like hot weather either, warm would be just fine).

But enough of moaning. So yes, I'm having a very productive day. Made some progress with my new camera (I'm thinking of giving it a name actually, any ideas?): I read 53 pages of the manual, took about 50 "abstract art" photos, know how to set the time and date (yes, very useful), wiped it way too many times and found it a perfect place/bag/home. I must admit that I was very naive thinking that taking photos would be a piece of cake. No, it is not. But I'm making (some) progress.

Leon the Very Wise Dog

Lola the Cat That Can't Meow

Meet my pets: Leon and Lola. There are two more, Piri and Rafael, but they just run away when they see me slowly approaching them with my camera. So now it is filled with photos of random objects, running pets and Mr. Hubby. Mr. Hubby is the only one that sits still for me. Ish.

Happy evening everyone! Once I'm done here I'm going for a well-deserved, cold beer. With my camera obviously :) 

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

My New Best Friend

New Year should be in Spring. Honestly, nothing gives me more strength, hope and motivation than seeing the world around me bursting with new life. 
I have the feeling that I, too, am starting a new life. And this is a very good thing.

I received my camera a couple of days ago and it instantly became my best friend. Seriously, how could I have managed without it? I take it everywhere with me and take pictures of everything. But we don't know each other too good yet.. There is too many buttons/options/settings! I'm totally lost here.. Out of over 400 photos I've taken so far only few are reasonably good. The rest.. well, I like to call them "abstract art".

Anyway, now I can do all of my projects and share them with you. And share a little of my life too. Now I will be a blogger I always wanted to be. Yeeey! Happiness all around!

Oh, almost forgot. These are Posh Cats - this time on canvas. Just need to add some final touches and put them up for sale (hopefully by the time I will learn how to take good pictures and will snap the Posh Cats better).

Happy Spring!

PS. Don't forget about the sale at Keeko!! Hurry, you've got only week left! 

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Spring Sale!

Sale is up at Keeko! Get 20% off your entire order - just use coupon code APRIL13 at the checkout!

For shipping cost check our shipping rates. Remember that we ship worldwide, but if you are outside of Europe you will need to contact as at for shipping costs. We know it's a bit annoying.. but we are working to sort this out :)

Oh, and the more you spend on shopping, the less you spend on postage. Yep, we are nice.

If you have any question, just leave a comment. We promise to get back to you as soon as possible. 

Happy Spring and happy shopping everyone! 

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Order in chaos

I've been reflecting on my life recently, trying to find answers to many questions, wondering where my life will take me and simply how I want to live.
I have a very clear idea of what I want to do with my life, but the time passes and I seem to be in the exactly same spot I was few years ago.
And then I realised that no, although I may be stuck in the same place, my mind is not. I undertook a very long and difficult journey, mostly feeling alone and scared, to become a person I will respect, love and cherish. And here I am now. And I am happy.
Now when I found the inner peace it is time for me to move on with my life and start organise the chaos around me. 

This post sounds a bit dark, but in fact it is a very happy post :)

P.S. I bought a camera and it should arrive very soon. So I will be a proper blogger now. Promise! 

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